December 22, 2019

Arps in Cet-Psc

2019-12-22. Cherry Springs (elevation 700 m), clear, snow on the ground. Telescope D = 508 mm, F/4 (Sky-Watcher Newtonian). Arp peculiar galaxies. SQM 21.4, 21.6 later, seeing average to poor, ending as 2-4 arcsec.

Arp 19, DSS

Arp 19, NGC 145, Cet. Category: three-armed spiral. 5.5 mm: Bar-like core NS, more diffuse to the W and with an elongated brightening in the middle. Short arm from the middle on the E side, points N, extends less than the bar. Longer arm from S end of the bar, CW, end points NE. Longest arm from N end of the bar, runs W then curves to point SE. Faint star NW, two brighter stars farther to the E and SE. Sketch

Arp 35, SDSS

Arp 35, UGC 212 (PGC 1431 and 1434). Psc. Category: integral sign spiral. 5.5 mm: Overall extended NS, bar NE-SW, short arm from NE end of bar to N, longer, slightly curving arm from opposite end to S, pointing SE. Companion at a distance to the S, small, elongated NE-SW. Faint star W, brighter star farther to the E. Sketch

Arp 59, SDSS

Arp 59 (NGC 341 and MCG-2-3-64), Cet. 5.5 mm: Overall elongated NS, an S-shaped spiral (CCW) with some widening of the "S" around the nonstellar nucleus, N arm shorter and points at a separated, close companion. Companion small and round, the size of the main galaxy's nucleus. Star farther W, another the same distance to the N. Sketch

December 21, 2019

Arps in Tau-Cet

2019-12-21, Cherry Springs (elevation 700 m), clear, snow on the ground. Telescope D = 508 mm, F/4 (Sky-Watcher Newtonian). Arp peculiar galaxies. Sky 21.4 mag/arcsec2, seeing 1-2 arcsec.

Arp 20, DSS

Arp 20 (UGC 3014, Tau). Category: 3-armed spiral. 5.5 mm. NS bar with a brighter, nonstellar nucleus. Main oval NE-SW. Long arm from N end of bar to the W side, pointing SW. Star immediately NE, much brighter star over 1 galaxy size to the W. Sketch

Arp 54, SDSS

Arp 54 (MCG-1-7-7 and PGC 9107, Cet). Category: spiral, high SB companion on arms. 5.5 mm. Main component a two-arm spiral with the arms emanating CW from the NNE and SSW ends of a central oval. Little concentration in the oval. W arm longer, curved, reaches W end of the galaxy and points SW. Opposite arm short and stubby, points ENE. Companion smaller than the central oval of the main galaxy and extended in PA 10 deg with little concentration. Star farther SW on the line formed by the galaxies. Sketch

Arp 118, SDSS

Arp 118, Cet. 3.5 mm. Overall extended WNW-ESE with no concentration to the middle. Bright, round condensation forms the W end. The E end is formed by a large, somewhat fainter condensation which connects to the enhanced E half of the N edge and a brighter, shorter enhancement along the E part of the S edge. The latter enhancement has a well-defined W end, possibly a knot. Faint star close to the E, brighter star farther (1 galaxy size) to the WNW. Sketch