October 5, 2021

Hickson 99


Hickson 99, galaxy group, Peg. Members in the MCG, UGC, PGC. 2021-10-01, Spruce Knob, 4800 ft. Clear, calm, dry. Transp. 7/10, seeing 1", SQM 21.4-21.6. Telescope: 20-inch F/4. Ocular: 8 mm (250x). Component A greatly elongated NS, bright star just SW of its S end. A somewhat brighter, small core. Component B round, concentrated. C immediately to its W, almost stellar core, E and W ends enhanced. D and E very small, featureless. Stars NNE and ESE of B have USNOA2 Vm 15.35 and 16.55. Sketch on black paper, finished at the telescope.


October 4, 2021

Hickson 97


Hickson 97, galaxy group, Psc. Components A-D are in the IC, E is PGC. 2021-10-01, Spruce Knob, 4800 ft. Clear, calm, dry. Transp. 7/10, seeing 1", SQM 21.4-21.6. Telescope: 20-inch F/4. Ocular: 8 mm (250x). Component A the larges, has a bright core, elongated NNW-SSE. Component E to the NW of it, small, diffuse. Two stars W of component E are USNOA2 Vm 16.4 and 17. Component D is immediately N of a fairly bright star, touching it. C elongated NE-SW with a small bright core. B is a thin edge-on with a small flat core. Sketch on black paper, finished at the telescope.


October 3, 2021

Hickson 90


Hickson 90, galaxy group, PsA. All members in the NGC. 2021-10-01, Spruce Knob, 4800 ft. Clear, calm, dry. Transp. 7/10, seeing 1". SQM 21.4-21.6. Telescope: 20-inch F/4. Ocular: 8 mm (250x). Component A (NGC 7172) displays a small core and asymmetrical extensions flanking a strong equatorial dust lane, longer to the E. B compact, bright. C appears as an off-center, diffuse extension of B toward the W. D is small, round, slightly concentrated. 3 stars to the E of the group, 2 to the W.


Hickson 89

Hickson 89, galaxy group, Aqr. All members are in the PGC. 2021-10-01, Spruce Knob, summit, 4800 ft. Clear, calm, dry. Transp. 7/10, seeing 1". SQM 21.4. Telescope: 20-inch F/4. Ocular: 8 mm (250x). Component A round, slightly concentrated, largest. Component B smaller. C and D almost touch, an unequal pair. Bright star W of A, fainter star NE of B. 4 faint stars stretch S of the group, of which the one S of the line between B and C-D has a very faint companion immediately to the N (USNOA2 Vm 15.5). Sketch on black paper, finished at the telescope.