Hickson 83

Elevation 1.5 km, telescope D = 0.5 m, F = 2 m. Sky 21.48 mag/sq arcsec, seeing 1 arcsec. Hickson 83, galaxy group, Her. Ocular 5.5 mm. Components A, B, and C seen. D and E appear too faint photographically to be attempted. Star on edge of B, brighter star E. Elongation in C not seen. Faint companion of S-most star in a small triangle W of C is just a puff of light connected to the star from its SE. [Interpolated Vm 15.8, separation 6 arcsec.]

Hickson 66

Elevation 800 m, telescope D = 0.5 m, F = 2 m. Sky 21.60 mag/sq arcsec, seeing 1 arcsec. Hickson 66, galaxy group, UMa. MCG+10-19-103 and the unresolved main group are seen in a 13 mm ocular. In 5.5 mm, component B is cleanly resolved from A, and an unresolved glow in the position of C and D is seen. Repeated appearance of resolved C and D in the glow is uncertain. 3.5 mm did not improve the view.

Hickson 60

Elevation 800 m, telescope D = 0.5 m, F = 2 m. Sky 21.60 mag/sq arcsec, seeing 1 arcsec. Hickson 60, galaxy group, UMa. MCG+9-20-74 and component A are easily seen with a 13 mm ocular. With 5.5 mm, D and C next to A and B farther NW are seen, featureless. Faint star SW of B is also seen [interpolated Vm 16]. Examined with 3.5 mm, but the view is not improved.