November 21, 2022

M45 - M103

M45. Visible with the naked eye and best framed in the finder. With the 40 mm eyepiece in the main scope: Cluster of stars, very bright, very large, irregular, bright and faint stars. Poor, well detached, little compressed.

M52. In the 40 mm eyepiece, this cluster is bright and considerably large. It displays an irregular outline and is well detached and little compressed. It contains both bright and faint stars.

M56. 40 mm. Faint, small, round. Gradually brighter in the middle. Diffuse.

M57. 40 mm. Faint, small, round, annular.

M92. In the 40 mm eyepiece, this is a cluster of faint stars. It is very rich, but faint and small. It has an irregular outline and is brighter to the middle.

M103. 40 mm eyepiece. Cluster, bright, considerably large, irregular. Well detached, little compressed. Bright and faint stars.