August 14, 2024

NGC 6834-6888

NGC 6834, OC, Cyg. This cluster is dominated by a line of stars with a reddish lucida in the middle. Higher magnification shows fainter stars.

NGC 6838 (M71), GC, Sgt. This cluster requires 17 mm to be seen well. It appears resolved and scattered.

NGC 6823 (M27, Dumbbell). PN, Vul. This is a faint, diffuse, irregular, and poorly concentrated nebula. The brightest part is elongated NS. Star off NW side.

NGC 6864 (M75), GC, Sgr. This cluster can just be caught passing between tree tops at meridian. At 17 mm, it appears as a small, round nebula that is grainy and gradually concentrated to the middle. Edges diffuse.

NGC 6866, OC, Cyg. At 17 and 24 mm, the bright stars in this cluster are arranged in a shape that resembles a mushroom, or a block arrow pointing W. Many fainter stars involved.

NGC 6882, OC, Cyg. In the field of the 40 mm, this is the fainter, smaller grouping of stars just off the N edge of NGC 6885. It is extended EW.

NGC 6885 (C37), OC, Cyg. This is a group of bright stars that stretches EW across the field of 40 mm. Lucida in the middle. NGC 6882 just off N edge.

NGC 6888 (C27, Crescent Nebula). Cyg. In 24 mm with OIII, this nebula is a streak of light stretching SW from one of the bright stars in the field toward a fainter star.