August 15, 2024

NGC 6905-6946

NGC 6905, PN, Del. "Blue Flash." Not visible in 40 mm without a filter. With OIII at 16 mm: small, faint, round, little brighter to the middle. Two stars near.

NGC 6910, OC, Cyg. A Y-shaped grouping of 9 stars. Brighter, warm-tinged stars at the end of one tine of the Y and next to its stem.

NGC 6913 (M29), OC, Cyg. A trapezoid grouping of bright stars. Fainter stars involved.

NGC 6934 (C47), GC, Del. Visible in 40 mm but needs 10 mm to start showing graininess. Considerably small, faint, round, gradually little brighter to the middle. Edges diffuse. Bright star near.

NGC 6939, OC, Cep. In 40 mm, it is a small grouping of faint and threshold stars. It is better seen at 24 mm, which [setting] shows a wedge profile with the lucida at the apex.

NGC 6940, OC, Vul. This is a large and scattered cluster. The brighter stars are not well separated from the background, but the fainter stars form a definite concentration. Most of it is inside an equilateral triangle of the brighter stars.

NGC 6946 (C12), GX, Cyg. Not visible at 24 mm or higher mag.