M51. In 40 mm, small, faint, round, diffuse. A smaller, fainter object near that appears slightly elongated tangentially (NGC 5195). 24 mm does not improve the view. 30 s with 3/4 gain shows the two cores and a clumpy arm that spirals out opposite NGC 5195 and passes midway between the cores. A grainy segment lies opposite this arm. F/3.3 shows this arm in its entirety with 8 s of integration. The arm starts on the side of NGC 5195 and winds outwards around the opposite side of the main galaxy.
M57, Ring Nebula. 8 s, high gain. Off-round, annular. Rim enhanced on the short axis. The central star and another star are visible in the interior.
M101. 8 s, high gain to 30 s, 3/4 gain. Only the core is visible. Small, off-round, brighter in the middle. The appearance is the same at F/3.3.