August 31, 2024

NGC 7078-7160

NGC 7078 (M15). GC, Peg. 18 mm. Large concentrated cluster resolved to the core. Very rich in faint stars, round.

NGC 7086, OC, Cyg. 18 mm. A scattered but well-defined cluster whose brightest stars, possibly foreground, resemble a three-armed spiral.

NGC 7089 (M2). GC, Aqr. 8 mm. Resolved halfway to the center, faint stars, concentrated. Irregular outline resembling a horseshoe crab.

NGC 7092 (M39). OC, Cyg. 40 mm. Relatively poor cluster of bright stars just framed in the 1-degree field. No concentration, irregular outline, well detached.

NGC 7099 (M30). GC, Cap. In the trees at transit.

NGC 7128, OC, Cyg. 14 mm. A small ring of 6 stars including 3 doubles and the lucida.

NGC 7129, RN+OC, Cep. Not seen with 8-24 mm or exposures up to 20 s at F/3.3.

NGC 7142, OC, Cep. 8 s, F/3.3. Elongated cluster of faint and bright stars, dominated by a "backbone" of 3 bright stars. No concentration, well detached.

NGC 7160, OC, Cep. 8 s, F/3.3. Well-detached cluster of faint and bright stars. Irregular, no concentration.